Counseling Resources
GET STARTED: Steps,Tips, and Resources
- Continuing/returning students click here for preparing for information on choosing classes and preparing for counseling appointments
- Looking for tips and resources for academic success, click here
NEW TO COLLEGE STUDENTS: Start Here - Welcome to Solano Community College!
Please follow these instructions for receiving assistance on choosing upcoming courses:
- Watch this video: New Student Education Plan Overview(video segments total approximately 15 min.)
- Yes, there is a lot of information on the video! Please watch it multiple times and write down your questions to ask the counselor during the workshop.
- You don't have to choose your English or Math. That part of the video is to explain how the placement guidance process works. The counselor will review your HS transcripts with you (so don't forget to have an electronic version available when you go to the workshop) to determine what English and Math to choose. You major will also guide the Math choice, as you will see when you select a template.
- Information on other programs: Puente(pdf).
- Identify your GPS (Guided Pathways Solano) Area
- Visit the Explore Programs website to identify a major(s) or interest. You will be asked about your interest area during the workshop.
- Not sure of your major? Take the Career Assessment(quick or detailed version) to identify your interests and connected majors.
- Create a draft of your class choices for the upcoming semester
- Review the following major choices and download the template(listed below) associated with the closest major to what you want to do.
- Is your major or major area not listed? Watch this video for how to use the catalog to find courses and use the "other major" template below
- Watch the following video for assistance on how to fill in the templates: First Semester Templates(video - 6:30 min)
- Course descriptions are in the catalog here .
- Major Area Templates: (reminder to download template first - don't open in web and try to fill in and then
down load since the check boxes and pull down menus won't work)
- Advanced Manufacturing(pdf)
- Aeronautics(pdf)
- Arts and Humanities(eg. Art/Art History, Foreign Language, English, Communications) (pdf)
- Automotive Technology(pdf)
- Business and Economics(pdf)
- Cosmetology(pdf)
- Emergency Medical Technician(EMT) (pdf)
- Fire Technology(pdf)
- Other majors not listed (eg. Accounting, Office Technology, etc.) (pdf)
- Pre-Nursing/Pre-Allied Health/Biotech(pdf)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Major(STEM) (pdf)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences(eg. Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Social Justice Studies, Criminal Justice) (pdf)
- Undecided(pdf)
- Welding(pdf)
- Review the following major choices and download the template(listed below) associated with the closest major to what you want to do.
- Call the Counseling Front Desk, 707-864-7101 stating you are a first-time college attendee and would like to be added to the Express Quick Question list for your draft course list to be reviewed by a Counselor. Express times are 10:30am – 1pm Mon-Fri and 3-5pm Mon-Thurs (expanded during the week before and the first week of each semester). A counselor will call you to confirm your course choices. Then, email your draft of class choices for the upcoming semester to Counseling Services,
- Register for Classes!
- At your designated registration date, sign up for the classes on your education plan.
- Reading the Class Finder Schedule(video - 6:30 min)
- How to register for classes(video - 6 min)
- How to add yourself to a waitlist(video - 4:50 min)
- More tips here
- Congratulations, are an officially registered as a Solano Community College student!
- Watch this video: New Student Education Plan Overview(video segments total approximately 15 min.)
- Review the handouts, videos and other useful tips for being a successful college student here
- Don’t forget about financial aid and the Solano promise program
- Contact Counseling in the month after you start to create a comprehensive education plan (all semester)s.
NOTE: The Solano front website has changed since the videos and handout were created, but the same needed links to the course schedule, catalog, and MySolano can still be found on the newly designed page by scrolling to the middle of the page and finding the corresponding resource in the center column. Links to all of our programs and services are now at the top of the page within the Student Services menu.
Campus Map (pdf)
Where are my Classes (pdf)
Important My Solano Resources (pdf)
How to Find Your Grades and Transcript (pdf)
How to Register for Classes (video – 6 min)
Reading the Schedule (video - 6:30 min)
Reading the Schedule (pdf)
How to Register (pdf)
Waitlist FAQs (pdf)
Requesting an Add Code from Faculty (pdf)
How to Add Yourself to a Waitlist (video - 4:50 min)
Choosing Classes and Educational Goals
Picking Your Educational Goal and Understanding College Terminology(video - 5:10 min)
22-23 Local AA degree only - not for transfer (yellow) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
22-23 IGETC (UC and CSU Transfer) (purple) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
22-23 CSU Transfer Only (green) (pdf- download for fillable function to work)
Understanding Your Education Plan (video - 4:30 min)
Using the Catalog and General Education Options to Choose your Classes (video - 12 min)
Understanding General Education Requirements (video - 6:15 min)
Review Your Degree Progress (video - 33 min)
Using - to prepare for transferring (video - 8:30 min)
English and Math Placement Grid (pdf)
Math Course Sequence (pdf)
Preparing for Solano RN Program (pdf)
Accepted courses from other colleges to Solano RN program (pdf)
Watch First - Getting Started on Pathway to Nursing (video – 14:30 min.)
Desired Qualities of Nurses/Good and Bad Reasons to Become a Nurse (video - 9:30 min)
Preparation and Requirements to Apply to SCC Registered Nursing Program (video - 14:30 min)
Nursing Pre-Major and GE Check Sheet Opt. A (AS degree only) (video – 12 min.)
Preparing for SCC RN and CSU BSN, using CSU GE Pattern with Education Plan (video – 14:30 min.)
CSU GE 22-23 with Nursing Pre-Requisites highlighted (pdf)
What to Expect in Solano Community College's Registered Nursing Program (video – 12 min.)
Good and Bad Reasons to go Into Nursing (video - 10:50 min)
Study Skills
Weekly Schedule – blank template (pdf)
Organizing for Online Success (video – 12 min)
Online Study Skills and Managing Time (video – 12 min)
Zoom (Online Video Meeting) Tips
Zoom FAQs (pdf)
Using Zoom for a Counseling Appointment (pdf)
How to use Zoom for a Counseling Appointment (video - 5:30 min)
Using different functions and settings on Zoom (video - 10 min)